A revista está entre as principais revistas brasileiras da área. O periódico é Open Access, está licenciado por Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) e é digitalmente preservado pelo SciELO.
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Saiba mais:
➡️ Simulating continuance and resilience: an agent-based model for nanostores operations
➡️ Life cycle sustainability assessment of the agri-food chain: empirical review and bibliometrics
➡️ The human resources and knowledge management integrated role in Industry 4.0/5.0: a Human-Centric Operations Management framework
➡️ Traceability in the agri-food supply chain: a new perspective under the Circular Economy approach
➡️ A novel methodology to obtain optimal economic indicators based on the Argentinean production chain under uncertainty
➡️ Contributions of humanitarian operations for national security: a perspective of the Brazilian Armed Forces action in three cases