19 dez Editor do BJO&PM divulga carta com resultados e projeções para 2020.
Foi divulgado no site do Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management (BJO&PM), periódico associado à Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção (ABEPRO) uma carta do editor chefe, o Prof. Dr. Osvaldo L. G. Quelhas, sobre os resultados e projeções para 2020.
Originalmente em inglês, de acordo Dr. Quelhas, a carta teve o objetivo principal de esclarecer “a questão da lista que foi divulgada sobre o novo Qualis e explicando que o BJO&PM continua ativo e buscando melhorias” explica o editor chefe.
Além disso, o texto traz dados que mostram o crescimento de interação com a comunidade científica. Em 2016 foram realizadas 3 citações, número que cresceu para 73 em 2019. Veja a carta abaixo na íntegra ou clique aqui para visualizar no site:
“Dear readers, authors and reviewers,
As you might know, Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management is associated with the Brazilian Association of Production Engineering (ABEPRO) and it is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index, from Web of Science Core Collection of Clarivate Analytics.
Since 2015, efforts have been made to strengthen the journal and positive results can already be observed. Besides the indexation at Emerging Sources Citation Index, the number of BJO&PM citations is increasing. In Web of Science, the citations of BJO&PM have been growing: from 3 citations in 2016 to 73 citations in 2019.
Several other efforts are being made to increase BJO&PM relevance and to increase the level of its publications. Among these efforts, it should be highlighted that we are preparing the documents to submit BJO&PM to Scopus in January 2020.
In 2019, a list classifying journals according to a single Qualis (“Qualis Único”) criterion was disseminated. However, CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil) does not recognize the veracity of this list.
Regarding the current classification of Qualis, BJO&PM presents the following scores: B3 for “Public and business administration, accounting sciences and tourism”, “Interdisciplinary” and “Environmental Sciences”; B4 for “Engineering I” and “Engineering III”; and B5 for “Engineering IV”, “Geosciences”, “Engineering II” and “Urban and regional planning / demography”. This classification will be valid until December/2020. Additionally, the final classification of Qualis for 2017-2020 quadrennium (valid from 2021) is not established yet.
In this sense, we would like to highlight our commitment with the quality and continuity of BJO&PM.
Kind regards,
Dr. Osvaldo L. G. Quelhas
Editor-in-chief, BJO&PM
Professor of Federal Fluminense University”