ABEPRO - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção | Chamada de Trabalhos: IJCIEOM 2020/2021

Chamada de Trabalhos: IJCIEOM 2020/2021

Foi enviado nesta segunda-feira (13/07) a nova chamada de trabalhos do evento internacional da ABEPRO, o 26th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Devido aos últimos acontecimentos, a edição de 2020 será realizada em 2021 em edição especial.

Os autores interessados em participar podem enviar o novo artigo até o prazo 1 de outubro de 2020. Confira o Call For papers na íntegra:

“The 2020 Conference Committee would like to invite you to the 26th IJCIEOM – International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The IJCIEOM organizing committee decided to merge IJCIEOM 2020 and IJCIEOM 2021 in one conference to be hosted at PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on February 22-24, 2021.

This conference is promoted by ABEPRO (Brazilian Association of Production Engineering) jointly with Adingor (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) -IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers), AIM (European Academy for Industrial Management) and ASEM (American Society for Engineering Management). The local organization this year is PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro).

The beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil will be the venue next year. The theme will be “Challenge and Trends for Sustainability in the 21st Century”, looking ahead to link theory and practice of economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Important dates
Abstract or Full Paper Submission Deadline: July 1st – October 9th
Notification of short or full paper acceptance: COMING SOON.

Conference: February 22-24, 2021.

Selected papers will be published in the Proceedings by Springer. All the accepted and registered papers published in Proceedings by Springer will be submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, WorldCat, Crossref, Google Scholar, among others, and will be available in the Springer Link Digital Library. Best papers will be selected for submission in Journals associated with the Conference:

– Production;
– Brazilian Journal of Operations Management and Production (BJO&PM);
– International Journal of Production and Operations Management (IJOPM);
– Engineering Management Review (EMR);
– Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP).

Visit the website www.ijcieom.org and submit your paper.”




