02 set Evento Internacional: 2020 GMRG Annual Meeting
A comunidade internacional Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG) realizará nos dias 4 e 18 de setembro o 2020 GMRG Annual Meeting, de forma virtual. Confira o convite e a programação enviada para a ABEPRO pelos membros da GMRG Brasil.
“Hello fellow GMRG members,
The wait is over, 2020 GMRG Annual Meeting is just round the corner, scheduled on September 4 and September 18. We are excited for this years annual meeting which will be fully virtual and ‘the’ place to exchange interesting ideas on the collection and deployment process for GMRG instruments. During the fully planned 2-day event we will be focusing on data collection issues and efforts for GMRG-VI. We are planning to launch GMRG-VI survey in different regions of the world as soon as the pandemic allows and hence, it is very important to have each one of you with us before that.
We encourage you to register (click here), if you haven’t done that yet, and join in for all the interesting webinars designed and lined up especially for you.
We hope to organize the data collection as soon as the pandemic allows a return to “normal” operations. Please contribute your thoughts on the upcoming Annual Meeting as we would like to hear your questions and suggestions to make this event an enriching and successful experience for all of you. The questions and suggestions can be submitted to our attention (Click here).
We shall start the live session at 12 PM EDT/ 9:00 AM PDT – North America;
1:00 PM Brasilia Standard time – South and Central America;
5:00 PM CET – Europe;
9:30 PM IST – India and 12:00 AM CST – China
2:00 AM AWST – Australia
6:00 PM SAST – Africa
for both September 4 and September 18. All registered participants will be sent a link of the recorded sessions. In case you are unable to attend the webinars, we have made arrangement for you to review the recorded presentations later and submit your comments and suggestions for the next round on September 18. We will be answering all comments and suggestions during the webinars or by e-mail.
The suggested tentative schedule is below:
September 4 – GMRG-VI Survey
Opening – Artur Swierczek and Márcio Thomé
Phases of survey data research – Clay Whybark
Actual status of GMRG VI – an overview – Teresa Betts
Overview of data collectors by country and data sharing – George Onofrei
Multi respondent data collection – Thomas Kull
GMRG-VI data collection procedures/protocol in Qualtrics – Teresa Betts
Translations protocols – survey questionnaires in foreign languages – Márcio Thomé
Survey modules: “how to guides”
Core module – Thomas Kull
Sustainability – Márcio Thomé
Innovation – Thomas Kull
Decision-making and culture – Thomas Kull
Supply chain digitalization – Ike Ehie / Luis Miguel D. F. Ferreira
Analysis methodology: qualitative data, multilevel analysis – Thomas Kull
Closing – Márcio Thomé
September 18 – Outreach Initiatives
Opening – Artur Swierczek and Márcio Thomé
Q&A from September 4 – Adegoke Oke
Country and region-specific issues and challenges for data collection – George Onofrei
Different media for data collection (e.g., internet, printed questionnaires, recording) – Teresa Bettes
How to improve industry engagement and collaboration beyond benchmarking – Hitendra Chaturvedi
Post feedback for companies to easy automated benchmark reports
Process for short cycle and smaller projects – Robert Wiedmer
Outreach program for coordinators and GMRG – Torsten Doering
Profiles and exemplar cases of intervention studies showcasing GMRG members’ participation in industry
We are looking forward to having you with us during September 4 and September 18 webinars.
Kind regards,
Global Manufacturing Research Group