19 dez Production | Annual Report 2018 & Perspectives 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Hereby I would like to present an evaluation of the editorial activities in 2018, along with perspectives and opportunities for 2019.
As you know, the journal Production (ISSN 0103-6513, www.prod.org.br) aims to provide an outlet for relevant and original research in the Production Engineering field. Nowadays, the journal is among the top Brazilian journals in Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management. The journal uses ScholarOne submission platform and is indexed at SCOPUS, SciELO, Redalyc, EBSCO, DOAJ, among others.
In 2018, my first year as Editor-in-chief, we worked very hard to promote journal internationalization and to serve the Production Engineering Community. Enclosed you can find our Journal Annual Report 2018 (in Portuguese and English).
For 2019, our main goals are keeping attracting high quality research manuscripts, achieving new databases indexations and better CAPES QUALIS levels. As you know, submitted manuscripts must present well-described scientific background; practical and academic relevance; clear aims; robust methods; well-presented and thoughtfully discussed results, with an original and relevant theoretical, empirical and/or methodological contribution. Finally, besides our regular original and review papers sections, in 2019 we will promote new and relevant thematic sections. In this direction, enclosed you can find two open thematic sections CfP:
– Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics. Guest editor: Prof. Marcio de Almeida D’Agosto (COPPE/UFRJ);
– Present and Future of Production Engineering. Guest editors: Andrew Kusiak (University of Iowa, USA), Dmitry Ivanov (Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany), Fernando Deschamps (Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Brazil), Guilherme Tortorella (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil), Marco Silvestri (Università di Parma, Italy / University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland), Michael Freitag (Universität Bremen, Germany).
Thank you very much for your attention; hope to receive your contribution soon,
Farewell to 2018 and Welcome to 2019!
Access to more information:
Production_Journal Anual Report 2018_Perspectives 2019
Production_Relatório Anual do Periódico 2018_Perspectivas 2019
Thematic Section_Present and Future of Production Engineering_Production_deadline July 2019